
Posts Tagged ‘Tellington TTouch instructor Edie Jane Eaton’



A TTEAM training is unlike any other clinic you have ever attended!

As you learn the Tellington TTouch Method for horses (TTEAM) a special camaraderie blossoms among the participants, with each student supporting and helping the others. By sharing experiences and knowledge, participants create a “circle of learning” that encourages discovery and understanding. TTouch Instructor Edie Jane Eaton facilitates your learning. No question is too silly. No concern is too insignificant. With Edie Jane’s leadership and inspiration, a synergy develops.

You can make a difference by working with horses with open hearts and coming from a place of understanding and compassion.

Edie Jane Eaton

Edie Jane Eaton

Over 30 years of working successfully on thousands of horses around the world demonstrates that the Tellington Method helps horses physically, mentally and emotionally. Now there is mounting scientific evidence explaining how and why this seemingly simple approach creates such profound changes in the horses and their handlers. During the week of October 9-14, you will learn and apply the Tellington Method to the horses. This is a hands-on and highly participatory program. With Edie Jane, the participants will observe and evaluate the horses at the beginning of the clinic, learn about the three components of the Tellington Method (TTouch, The Playground for Higher Learning, and The Joy of Riding), then design and implement a “solution” plan to suit the individual needs of the horses.

Edie Jane assists a participant in learning an alternative way of leading a horse.

Edie Jane assists a participant in learning an alternative way of leading a horse.

Read what previous participants said about their TTEAM clinic with horses at Pullen’s Arabians with TTouch Instructor Edie Jane Eaton and Organizer and assistant to Instructor Cindy Pullen, Guild Certified TTEAM Practitioner.

“The experience was great. Edie Jane was an amazing teacher, she balanced everyone so perfectly. Cindy (the organizer) is an amazing person to not only have been hosting the clinic but to teach as well. The facility was set up just right for the training that we did. The environment was calm, cool, and collected! The two of you together juggled teaching all of us so well. I just want to say thank you to you both, the experience was something I will never forget and I can’t wait to do it again!” — Kathleen

“My experience at the Tellington Touch clinic at Pullen’s Arabians was remarkable. I came away with many new tools to use with horses. I love the higher level of learning that Tellington Touch offers. Tellington Touch is not only a method of dealing with animals, it is a way of “being” with all things in this world.” — Trudie

Using the Homing Pigeon leading exercise gives participants more alternatives for learning.

Using the Homing Pigeon leading exercise gives participants more alternatives for learning.

“I just wanted to tell you how far I have come with Goldie since the clinic in October. I feel like the bond between us has grown by leaps and bounds, and I hope will continue to grow. I am SO happy and grateful to Edie Jane and Cindy.” — Kathy

“Edie Jane is an exceptional teacher. Her speaking ability and the way she breaks things down (“chunking” the TTEAM way) and her in hand demonstrations made everything so clear. She also did something most clinicians do not do. She made it a point to include everyone in the conversations and hands on work. Even, the auditors got the benefits of actually physically doing the TTouches and “people driving” , etc. They didn’t feel “left out” at all. That is a big plus for us tactile learners. The facilities were perfect for the clinic. I felt that “Joe” had a very safe and comfortable place to stay for his visit. We had a wonderful time at the clinic and learned so much. And, God willing, will be back next year.”

—   Sheila

“The recent training was fabulous! Edie Jane’s knowledge and teaching style made me realize that I really could do this to help horses! Cindy’s hospitality made everyone feel very welcome and comfortable. The fact that we had beautiful Arabians to work with just made it that much more enjoyable! I plan to come back next year.” — Jan


Contact Edie Jane 819-459-2110  or Cindy 678-773-6826 to reserve your place today!



© 2009 enlightened horsemanship through touch and Kim Cox Carneal

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tober 9-11
or October 9-14
at Pullen’s Arabians
Lakeland, Georgia
Price for three days: $375.
Early bird price is $350
if paid in full prior to August 15.
Price for six days: $700.
Early bird price is $650
if paid in full prior to August 15.
Edie Jane Eaton
or 819-459-2110
or Cindy Pullen – Pultober 9-11
or October 9-14
at Pullen’s Arabians
Lakeland, Georgia
Price for three days: $375.
Early bird price is $350
if paid in full prior to August 15.
Price for six days: $700.
Early bird price is $650
if paid in full prior to August 15.
Edie Jane Eaton
or 819-459-2110
or Cindy Pullen – Pul

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